Getting Started:
Login to Your Account:
After creating an account, follow these steps to log in to your Roshni Online account:
- You will be automatically redirected to the sign-in page after signing up.
- Phone Number and Password: Enter your phone number and password.
- Sign In: Click the Sign In button to access the post-job section.
User interface overview:
Description of components (menus):
In this section we will add the description about the menus of Roshni Online App. User will click on 3 lines from top left corner, navigation menus will open.
Click on the “Home” menu to go to the home page. professional can set his status to “Go Offline” or “Go Online” and see a list of queries assigned to you. Professional also can see the queries those are pending for approval from client.
Click on an view detail button to go to the query page. From there, professional can see the query detail and can start a call.
Query Dashboard:
Click on the Query dashboard menu to go to the page where professional can view and monitor accepted or active Query. Click the start Call button to Start the call and after call completed click on Mark as Completed button to complete the query.
Click on “Notifications” to see updates about Query status, transactions, or other important alerts in your account.
Payment Log:
Click on the payments menu to go to the payment log page, where professional can view a list of payments made to you or charges for your work after completing a Query.
Click on the ratings menu to view the ratings given by clients after completing queries. Clients can also provide feedback.
My Queries:
Click on the My query menu to view different query categories such as Assigned, Completed, Canceled, and Canceled by Client.
Assigned: Click on the Assigned box to view queries that have been assigned to you by the admin or client.
Completed: Click on the Completed box to see queries you have completed.
Canceled: Click on the Canceled box to view queries you canceled.
Canceled by Client: Click on the Canceled by Client box to see queries that were canceled by the client.
Active: Click on the Active box to see the queries those are in progress.
Click on the “About” menu to go to the About panel. Here, professional will find two sections that provide details about Roshni Online
Profile Details: In this section, the professional can view personal information like Name, Phone Number, Email, and Account Balance. To update the password, click on “Change Password.”
In the About section, the professional can read the Terms and Conditions by clicking on the “Terms and Conditions” text.
Call or Support:
Opens the support panel, where professional can contact the Ustad online team via the provided email or phone for questions, feedback, or complaints.
Log out:
Click on logout for logout from Application.